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MCAR Membership

The Monterey County Association of REALTORS® offers three different types of membership: Designated REALTOR®, REALTOR® and Affiliate. Members of the Association pay dues to the Association for access to a multitude of highly sophisticated and valuable products and services, which are either free or fee-based.

REALTOR® - Agent in the office

Brokers and Salespersons who hold an active real estate license are entitled to the Monterey County Association of REALTORS®. Salespersons must first affiliate themselves with a Broker. When an individual joins MCAR – the Local Association., they also become members of the California Association of REALTORS® (C.A.R..) and the National Association of REALTORS® (N.A.R.). Only those real estate licensees who hold membership in these Associations and who subscribe to their strict Code of Ethics are permitted to use the registered trademark of REALTOR®. All three levels of the REALTOR® organization – Local, State and National are here to help you succeed as a real estate professional. Just as you serve your clients, the REALTOR® organization exists to support its members.

DESIGNATED REALTOR® - Broker of Office

Each firm must designate a Designated REALTOR® (broker of office) who will be responsible for all of the duties and obligations of licensees associated with the Designated REALTOR®, including the obligation to arbitrate disputes pursuant to Article 17 of the Code of Ethics and to pay Association dues as established in the Bylaws. The Designated REALTOR® must be a sole proprietor, partner, corporate officer or branch office manager of the firm capable of acting on behalf of the firm’s principal(s) and must meet the other qualifications for REALTOR® membership established in the Bylaws. The Designated REALTOR® must be actively engaged in the real estate profession, and maintain a current, valid real estate broker’s license or be licensed or certified by an appropriate State regulatory agency to engage in the appraisal of real property.

AFFILIATE - Real Estate related profession

An affiliate membership with MCAR is any individual or company engaged in a business related to the real estate profession, or serving the professional or educational needs of real estate practitioners. This is a wonderful opportunity for networking with our 1250 + REALTOR® members. As an Affiliate member, you may attend membership meetings, special events, social functions and seminars. You will receive communications from MCAR on a regular basis. You will also receive our membership rosters in pdf as well as excel for easy email merges.

Join MCAR today!

 Visit the Join MCAR page for more information about joining MCAR.